The brand new Model K8-16 Peach Stoning machine is a stable one and of a great robustness, manufactured totally in stainless steel.
The rotation of the stoning knives, made even faster and more efficient, allows to pit 344 peaches per minute with any degree of ripeness and any variety (clingstone, freestone and nectarine) providing a final product with a cut even more accurate and clean.
The machine has been completely redesigned with a brand new casing protection system that make easier cleaning and maintenance operations. Peaches, unloaded into the feeder, are placed on the fruit carrying plate. Last fruit aligning system allows to achieve a very high percentage of well aligned peaches without employing any people. Peaches are cut in two halves by the blades and then pitted by cutting knives with a rate of 43 shots per minute, then they fall on the vibrator device (optional) that separates the pulp from the stones.
K8-16 Peach Pitter Stoning Machine

Caratteristiche Tecniche
- Production rate: 344 fruits per minute – max 3 Tons per hour
- Op. power 4 kW
- Water consumption: 20 lt/min
- Compressed air necessary: 7 Bar
- Air Consumption: 400 lt/min at 6 Bar (heads) and 80 lt/min a 4 Bar (orienting)
- Length: 5.370 mm
(6.000 mm with stone separator) - Width: 1.588 mm
- Height: 2.217 mm
- Feed Height: 850 mm
- Discharge Height: 510 mm
- Weight: ~2100 daN approx
Technical features