About Us
The OMIP Srl was born in 1971 and is aimed at all canning companies that need to have a product that is always reliable, built with quality and highly robust materials and whose production cost, as well as that of the hand work, is minimized. For this reason it is engaged in the design and construction of machinery characterized by simplicity of operation, versatility and cost reduction.
The developments
Research, development and innovation, its constant imperatives, have also allowed it to introduce, on the world market, the most modern technologies applied to the pitting sector, becoming a global point of reference for fruit processing.
The objectives
In addition to continuously improving the products already marketed, it aims to broaden its production horizons through the design of machinery capable of transforming fruit and vegetables other than those it is currently able to process.
The KA3 and Ka6 pitting machines for apricots, the Repitter for peaches and the KAV2 for Avocados are just some examples of the results obtained thanks to its company policy
In addition to continuously improving the products already marketed, it aims to broaden its production horizons through the design of machinery capable of transforming fruit and vegetables other than those it is currently able to process.
The KA3 and Ka6 pitting machines for apricots, the Repitter for peaches and the KAV2 for Avocados are just some examples of the results obtained thanks to its company policy
OMIP SRL establishes a direct relationship with companies through the representative and direct assistance offices located all over the world. With this method, the customer knows he can count on the direct assistance of the parent company at any time. Its representatives carry out a monitoring, first assistance and information service to keep customers constantly updated on the most recent innovations so that these can also be applied to the machinery in their possession. It is also present, with its own stands, at various national and international trade fairs such as the fairs in Los Angeles, Cologne, Berlin, Paris, Barcelona, Parma, Lima, Dubai, Tashkent and Shanghai, not forgetting to actively participate in the “World Canned Deciduous Fruit Conference” which is the maximum organization that allows the world producers of peaches in syrup to meet to discuss the various problems present in the sector.